Spa Chemicals - BioGuard® has the full range of SpaGuard® products, for use in spas and hot tubs to ensure clean, clear and hygienic conditions of the spa water and equipment.

SpaGuard® Enhanced Shock
An easy to use multi-purpose shock, specially formulated to minimize eye and skin irritation, reduce unpleasant odours and ensure crystal clear water

SpaGuard® Spa Velvet
Make your spa bath experience the most refreshing yet. Spa Velvet leaves the skin feeling soft and moisturized, reduces eye and skin irritations and is compatible with chlorine and bromine.

SpaGuard® Filter Brite
estores filter cartridge efficiency by removing scale and rust deposits, greases, oils and organic wastes.

SpaGuard® Chlorine Tabs
Stabilized chlorine tablets are ideal for use in outdoor spas. The chlorine residual lasts longer and is not easily broken down by sunlight.

SpaGuard® Spa Sentry
Used to maintain a stable, comfortable pH as well as softening your spas water.

SpaGuard® Spa Pipes And Surface Cleaner
SpaGuard Spa Pipes And Surface Cleaner breaks down built-up grime, lotion, body oil, make-up, hair-care products, dirt and debris in pipes, jets and on surfaces. Cleaning your spa pipes and surface is essential for peak equipment performance and the highest quality water condition.

SpaGuard® Bromine Tabs
The ideal sanitizer for indoor spas, effectively killing bacteria at a broader pH range.

SpaGuard® Water Clarifier
Makes water clear and sparkling by improving filter efficiency without affecting the pH.