Circulation, the process of moving water around the pool and through the filter, is vital to the proper maintenance of the pool. Properly circulated water distributes and replenishes the sanitizing and oxidizing chemicals to all areas of the pool. Additionally, properly circulated water assists the filter in removing debris from the pool. If you are unsure about your pool's equipment consult with us.
Problems due to ineffective circulation can be prevented by:
Ensuring the surface skimmer is operating properly
The surface skimmer is designed to "skim" the top 3 to 5cm of the waters’ surface. By doing this, debris that would other wise sink to the bottom of the pool is collected in the skimmer basket or removed by the filter. To ensure proper operation, all skimmers should have a "floating weir" door inside the "throat" of the skimmer, and the water level of the pool should be at the middle of the skimmer opening.
Providing adequate "deep circulation"
Return jets should be possitioned at a 30º - 45º angle into the pool to ensure the water is circulated throughout the pool.
Brushing the pool surfaces routinely
All pools have areas that are prone to poor, or no, circulation-- areas like recessed walk-in steps, the wall behind the ladder, deep end walls, and the corners of the pool. Brushing is the only way to ensure that the biofilm and debris that settle in these areas are moved back into circulation. Pools should be routinely brushed at least once a week to discourage the development of bacteria and algae.