Pool Chemicals - Should you wish to learn more about what the products do and the benefits of each product, please continue reading below or feel free to pop in for a visit.

Smart Tabs®
BioGuard® Smart Tabs® kill bacteria continuously by maintaining the proper chlorine level in your pool.
Smart Guard, the patented ingredient in Smart Tabs, prevents them from dissolving too quickly so they’ll last all week or up to twice as long as ordinary tablets.
Easy on pool surfaces, pumps, filters and other equipment; because they’re formulated to erode only when the pump is running.
Won’t cloud water, and leaves no residue.
Once a week application.
Simply drop the required number of tabs (1 tablet per 25 000l water) into the weir basket – it’s that easy and out of sight.

A multi-function STABILIZED GRANULAR chlorine with built-in clarifiers filter enhancer algae preventative and sunlight protector.
4 in 1 Sanitizer and shock
Kills bacteria and algae.
Chlorine lasts longer – protected from the sun
Reduces the need for pool acid

Swim Tabs
Enhanced formulation of stabilized long lasting chlorine in 16g tablets, designed for use in floating baskets or automatic in-line feeders.
Sanitizes, clarifies and enhances bather comfort
Improved water clarity
Less impact on water balance
Won’t cloud water
No residue
Multifunctional – contains a sanitizer, clarifier and water enhancer

Swim Clear Floater
BioGuard® Smart Tabs® kill bacteria continuously by maintaining the proper chlorine level in your pool.
The floater recommended by Pool Care Professionals
Is convenient to use
Won’t cloud water
No residue
Consistent chlorination
Improved water clarity

Patented BioGuard Lite gives you the benefit of both an oxidiser and a clarifier in one product.
Makes pool water inviting
Swim in one hour
Easy for pool owner use
Elimnates dull, flat water
No pre dissolving*
No Clouding of pool water
Easy accurate application
Lowers overall operating costs
*In Vinyl or coloured surface pools, brush immediately after direct application to ensure quick dissolving of active ingredients

Burn Out®
An excellent problem-solving product. Used for algae-related problems, low sanitizer levels or situations where pools experience a chlorine demand problem.
Makes pool water more inviting
Eliminates dull, flat water
Removes chlorine odour and red eyes caused by combined chloramines
Works quickly
Makes pool easier to maintain

Back Up®
Prevent Algae Before It Starts!
An excellent algae inhibitor! Formulated to complement swimming pool water being treated with normal sanitizer systems. Strongest algae protection available. Becomes more effective as pool water gets warmer.
Prevents a wide species of algae
Lasts Longer
Maintains efficiency
Effective in summer heat
Works where algae accumulates
Wont stain surfaces

Algae Killer
A very effective, quick acting, green and black algae destroyer. For best results use in conjunction with BioGuard® Burn Out.
Kills a wide range of algae species
Fast Acting
Highly effective
Won’t kill grass or shrubs
Won’t stain surfaces

MSA II Algaecide
The newest and most effective rival against all types of swimming pool algae. BioGuard® MSA II is a patented, non-staining pool algaecide, which is specially formulated for use in all types of swimming pools
Prevents a wide species of algae
Lasts Longer
Maintains efficiency
Effective in summer heat
Works where algae accumulates
Wont stain surfaces

The Balancing Act
Balancing Products control scale, prevent metallic stains, adjust the pH and total alkalinity and correct mineral imbalances.
Pop in for a visit where we will happily assist you with the balancing of your pool water as BioGuard® provides all the chemicals required to balance the water correctly
Many people think that if the water looks blue it is protected from bacteria, swimmer residue, and algae, but to fully ensure that the pool water is protected from bacteria and other contaminants, it needs to be tested at least once a month during the peak season.
Proper water testing will help detect any problems that might be developing, which - when detected early - can be resolved easily so you can avoid headaches down the road.
If you want to test your water yourself, here are some tips to help achieve accurate results:
Always start with a clean testing vial and fresh reagents. Test chambers should be rinsed with clean water after each use, and liquid reagents should be replaced at the beginning of each swimming season. Foil-wrapped tablet reagents are good for up to three years. If using test strips, they should also be replaced at the beginning of each swimming season.
Check the free chlorine level. Generally, levels should be between 1.0 and 3.0 ppm.
Test and adjust the pH. The correct range is 7.4 to 7.6. This is probably the most important test for your pool.
Alternatively, bring a sample of your pool water to us for a free computerised analysis.

Pool Velvet
Provides pool owners with soft, comfortable pool water and reduces skin and eye irritations. Just think – No more of that dry, itchy feeling you sometimes get after swimming. Pool Velvet users are amazed and delighted by the diamond-like sparkle that appears in their pool
Reduces operating costs
Reduces maintenance work
Sparkling water
Longer filter runs
More comfortable water
Longer swim time
Decrease the potential for scale formations and metal staining
Pool Velvet works in chlorinated, salt chlorinated and brominated pools.

Kwik Clear
A pool settling agent to clear cloudy and discoloured water. Works overnight. Debris must be manually vacuumed from pool bottom.
Restores water clarity
Not pH sensitive
Easy vacuuming of debris
Works on a wide range of debris

Off the Wall
Highly effective tile and surface cleaner. Will remove bathtub ring and light scale deposits from swimming pool tiles. Unlike household products, this heavy duty pool surface cleaner is compatible with pool water.
Fast clean up
Won’t damage liner
Easy application

Polysheen® Blue
Polysheen® Blue is used to clear up cloudy water fast. It works on small suspended particles in the water.
Concentrated water clarifier for all pool types
Helps make water beautifully clear
Does not require dilution
Combines small particles into larger ones for easy removal by the filter
Highly concentrated so a little goes a long way
Can be used in all pool and filter types
Does not effect pH

Salt Cell Cleaner
A specialised complex formulation that makes salt chlorinator electrode cleaning easier and improves the cell life. Designed to remove build up of scale from electrodes.
Improves cell life
Safer for electrode
Easy to use

Super Clear
Polish your pool water! Water clarifiers now in tablet form.
Restores water clarity
Works on a wide range of debris
Gets to work immediately
Easy application – simply drop into the weir
No sticky residue

Strip Quick®
Removes oils and greases from diatomaceous earth filters, spa cartridges and sand filters. Lengthens filter cycles and promotes filter efficiency. BioGuard Strip Kwik should be used at least twice a season to control scale and to remove build-up of oils and greases on the filter media. It is highly recommended to cleanse filter media with Strip Kwik® after algae infestations.
Improves filtration/circulation
Reduces operational costs
Less water wasted
Less work
Works on all filter types